
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Tropical Fruit: Tamarind or "Date of India"

Tropical Fruit-Tamarind 
Tamarind, Tamarindo or Tambran (Trinidadian dialect)  is a cinnamon-brown skinned, 2-7 inch long, oblong and podded fruit, native to tropical climates.  The pod starts off green however, as the fruit matures (ripens), the pod's moisture content decreases, hollows out and turns brown. The pod has a smooth texture and cracks without much force. The pulp is reddish brown, tart**, sticky and contains anywhere between 1 to 10 shiny black seeds per pod (1). However, unlike many tropical fruits tamarind when ripe has a distinctively subtle scent, which can only be described as earthy and not fruity (sweet). The high concentration of tartaric acid and other organic acids in tamarind gives it its tartness. 

Tamarind Nutrition 
Like many fruits, tamarind pulp is carbohydrate rich but a fair source of fibre. 100 grams of  tamarind pulp contains 5 grams fibre. This may account for it having a medium glycaemic index of 65 (2)(4). It is also high in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium and notably low in vitamin C, calcium and iron per 100 grams. 

Commercial Tamarind Products
The pulp is consumed and prepared in a number of ways; some eat the pulp raw others use it to make beverages and savoury/sweet side dishes or treats. Raw, unadulterated tamarind pulp is known to have a mild laxative effect in some persons (3). The pulp is also used in homoeopathic therapies to treat sore throat, bile disorders and alcohol intoxication. In Columbia, the pulp is mixed with other items and used as a tonic for domestic animals (3).  For more on the homoeopathic applications of other parts of the tamarind tree please visit page eight of the third reference and pages 75 to  81 in the first reference listed below.

Nevertheless, while many discard the shiny black seeds, others utilise them in the following ways:-
⃟ Tamarind gum is extracted from the seeds. Tamarind gum is used as a sizing agent in preparation of some textiles amongst others (3)(5).
 Tamarind seeds/kernel- The black shiny seeds are roasted and shelled to reveal a cream coloured 'seed' or kernel. This is seasoned and eaten as you would peanuts or grounded into a powder to be used as an adulterant in coffee (3) or thickening agent or used for animal feed (6).
 Tamarind Oil- The oil is extracted and used for painting dolls or statues (3).

In all, despite tamarind being a poor source of vitamin C, and iron it makes a worthy addition to ones diet once in season. Tamarind's tart flavour and odd appearance are the characteristics that make it a dynamic and versatile fruit. Seeing that, its applications extends beyond everyday sweets, beverages or savoury items. 

What are some of your favourite ways to consume this tropical fruit?

** please note tamarind can also be naturally sweet.
1) De Caluwé, E; Halamová, K and Van Damme, P. ( 2010). Tamarindus indica L. : a review of traditional uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology. Afrika Focus. 23 (1), 53-83.
2) Klapp, E. Glycaemic Index Food LIst. Available: http:/ns/ Last accessed 15th Sep 2012.
3) Loha-Unchit, K. Tamarind-Makahm. Available: Last accessed 15th Sep 2012.
4) Tamarind. Available: Last accessed 15th Sep 2012.
5) Tamarind Products. Available: Last accessed 15th Sep 2012.
6) Tamarind Pulp. Available: Last accessed 15th Sep 2012.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Vegetable Poster of the Day! Kale


What's your favourite way to prepare this dark, green leafy vegetable?

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Nutrition Label World Tour: Japan

The information found on the Japanese nutrition facts panel is often different from what is found in the United States of America or countries with a tightly regulated Nutrition/Food Labelling sector. Reason being, food manufacturers are not compelled to put a nutrition label on a food product. In fact, it is voluntary and left up to the sole discretion of the manufacturer. A label is only compelled when the product makes a nutritional claim "e.g, High in vitamin C or calcium". However imported food products generally require a nutrition label.
Here are some facts regarding the Japanese food label when it is present:

It provides vague nutrition and sometimes misleading information
(e.g) it will show Total Fat but does not breakdown the components of the fat - Trans Fat, Cholesterol or even Saturated Fat amongst others.
(e.g) it will claim to be high in a particular vitamin or another nutrient, but this claim is only validated if the entire package is consumed.

Determining the serving size and nutritional content per size is a challenge. 
The Japanese food label often provides the nutrition information per 100 grams (100 g) or 100 millilitres (100 ml). This does not translate into helpful information especially, if a food product has a net weight of 350 g or 540 ml. Can you estimate how much is 100 g of potato chips or cooked rice? For the calorie concerned person, the use of a calculator and or food scale is required to determine how much the recommended serving (100 g) translates into first. From there, determining whether a 100 g of the product is sufficient for their needs-food or diet.
Label found on a Box Soup (image source)
Total Calories are listed in Kilocalories (Kcal) and not calories. This is not a bad thing but the issue arises in the way the total calories is presented; often times it is presented in a misleading format. (See the first point and image)

Information regarding the primary ingredients & additives (dyes/flavourings etc) does not need to be listed.

The 'Best before date' is commonly used (year, day, month)

Allergy information regarding wheat, buckwheat, egg, milk and peanut is mandatory.

Genetically Modified (GM) food information is only listed, once the GM  item exceeds 5% of the product's net weight.

 Japanese Nutrition Facts Guide
If a product contains alcohol, the label needs to put a disclaimer. This a precautionary measure, to prevent the ingestion of alcohol by minors or to alert persons with religious restrictions about its presence.

Collagen and Polyphenols notices are often found on the label. Both are believed to help persons achieve and maintain beautiful skin.

Side note: Collagen is one protein compound that is widely sought after hence the reason collagen facials are very prevalent, in Japan. read more
This table should be helpful in deciphering the Japanese food label.

In all fairness food labels vary from country to country, but nevertheless they  provide information that appears to be culturally significant to that region/country.

For more information regarding Japan's food labelling visit

My Workout Routine-I love exercising!

I love exercising so I created the workout calendar below
 On the days I workout I place a tick on the day. At the end of the month I tally the days and write it down.  This helps me keep track of how many times for the week/month I exercised. Trust me, doing this keeps me motivated.

I workout at home for a total of 40-50 minutes about 3 to 6 days a week.  I prefer to workout either at night (post 6 pm) or mid-morning (10 or 11 am). Working out at night helps me sleep a lot better. I love workouts that leaves me dripping with sweat during and after.  Hence the  reason, I enjoy Cardio-Dance routines and Body Weight/Resistance Training workouts.  Admittedly, since I found Billy Blanks Jr. cardio dance workouts on Youtube I have been addicted to cadio dance routines. They are fun and a great way to get the heart-rate pumping before engaging in resistance training/body weight exercises.  Along with Billy Blanks Jr. workouts, I enjoy Tiffany Rothe Workouts and POP Pilates.

Nevertheless, my fitness goals are to increase my flexibility, tone up (build muscle) all around and to perform 10 full push ups in a row (since I cannot do a full push up).

Here are some of my favourite workouts/workout videos: 
☀ For my WARM UP, I do the Buns of Envy Warm Up. I love the addition of the weights, I use 3 lbs hand weights and it totally gets my heart rate up. 

☀ For my BUTT, I love Quick Buns by Buns of Envy. This workout is only 5 minutes but it is a killer, especially coming down to the end. Your bum will burn.               

    ☀ For my ARMS and BACK, I enjoy this one by Cassey Ho of Blogilates (POP Pilates). This workout uses only your body weight but it seriously kills your arms and upper back. Your arms will be sore the next day.  POP Pilates: Backless Dress Workout 

☀ For my WAIST, I love this one by Tiffany Rothe. This workout is 10 minutes of fun and the movements are simple but your sides and middle back  area will be sore the next day or two. 10 min Booty Shaking Waist Workout

☀ My favourite intense, FULL BODY WORKOUT is by Tiffany Rothe called The Mountain Climber. All the jumping and squatting in this routine seriously, tires you out before the 10 minutes is up. You will feel the burn.

☀ For Cardio-Dance, my absolute favourites at the moment are:
This 15-minute Dancing with the Stars-Freestyle routine by Lacey Schwimmer. The routine is fun, involves a full range of movement and is quite easy to grasp. I tried others like the Cha Cha with Maxism and a Jive one  but those were hard to follow.  
The others I enjoy are:
1) Billy Blanks Jr Samba - 10 minute
2) Billy Blanks Jr Cardio Soul - 10 minutes  and 
3) Billy Blanks Jr Cardio Dance workout- 10 minutes.
 All Billy Blanks Jr. cardio routines will have you smiling, sweating and breathing heavy at the end.                      
1) When I workout I tend to focus on my butt, legs, arms, waist and back. I rarely do 10 minutes of abs workouts because I am not a fan of full floor exercises
(laying down).
2) My workout routine is as follows:
  ☑ Warm up for 5 mins,
  Then do a 10-15 min cardio routine,
  Followed by 5 - 15 mins of resistance/body weight 
      exercises and
  ☑ Cool down or stretch for 5 mins

P.S. I found all these lovely workouts on Youtube.