Saturday, November 28, 2015

West Indian Rules to Eating Healthy

  • Keep added sugar in the diet to no more than 25 grams a day by eating foods that do not require you to add sugar/sweetener.

                ✑ Suggested Reading
    Sugar, Sugar, Sugar! Sugar! Too Much is Bad for the Brain

  • Eat the skin of fruits and cooked vegetables, when applicable.

  • Reduce consumption of refined flours and refined grains by switching to whole-grains such as whole-grain pasta, brown rice, whole-wheat cous cous, whole wheat breads, whole-grain cereals. 
                     Suggested Reading:  Grain Confusion Part 2: Whole-Grains    
  • Choose oils/fats wisely and use them sparingly. Preferred fat/oils: full-fat butter, ghee, coconut oil, sesame oil, cold pressed olive oil, avocado and olives.

  • Incorporate ample amounts of vegetables into all main meals consumed daily. Remember all forms of vegetables count, except fried. Click for 1800 kcal Sample day 

  • Source
  • Incorporate ground provisions and starchy fruits into your diet as a main staple rather than a side dish.                                                                           
  • Incorporate cooked legumes; beans, peas and pulse, into your daily, diet. E.g. stewed beans, roasted channa,  toasted split peas and tofu
  • Eat fish, poultry, rabbit instead of red meat, meat analogues, hydrolysed protein, protein isolates and processed/luncheon meats filled with mechanically separated meats, sodium nitrates (corned beef, salami, bolgna, tinned sausage, hot dog sausage, bacon etc.)

    ✑ Related article: 
    Processed meats do cause cancer - WHO
  • Consume at least 3 cups of plain unsweetened water daily.

  • Eat wholesome foods from all food groups throughout the day.  You do not have to eat foods from all food groups at every meal but ensure you get a portion of food from each of the 6 groups, daily.
Keep these rules in mind when you start your day.
This ensures your body is filled with the nutrients needed in the right amounts. 

 Always seek help from a professional if you are having difficulty in eating healthy.

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Steps to Healthier Eating

9 Simple Steps to Healthier Eating

Changing your lifestyle to eat healthier may take less willpower than you think. Research has zeroed in on some simple changes people can make to avoid what happens to most adults – gradual weight gain over time. In studies, each of the following had just a small impact on weight-gain. But together, they can add up.

  • Focus on every bite. This helps you recognise when you are full, and stop eating sooner. Try chewing slowly and putting down your fork between bites.
  • Use a smaller bowl or plate. In studies, people ate a lot more from larger containers.

  • Use a skinnier glass to help control portions. People poured more into short, wide glasses than into tall, skinny ones that held the same amount.
  • Move healthier foods to eye-level in the cupboard and refrigerator. Move unhealthy foods out of sight.
  • Eat in the kitchen or dining room. Skip dining in front of the TV.
  • Quit or cut down on chips and fries. Chips and fries were linked to a gain of about a pound each year.
  • Stop drinking sugar-sweetened soda. These drinks were tied to ¼ pound gained each year.
  • Eat more vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and yoghurt. Eating these foods was actually linked to a small weight loss over time.
  • Sleep between 6 and 8 hours a night. Those who did gained less weight than those who slept less than 6 or more than 8.

Thank you for reading! 
Which step will you be adding to your daily routine?
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American Cancer Society. '9 Steps to Eating Healthier.'
 Available at: 
Last Accessed: 28-nov-2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Healthy Food for Kids

Healthy Food for Kids 

Imagine if your body was a fancy sports car. What kind of fuel would you put in it? Would you give it the best fuel you could buy or whatever was around? Your body actually is a little like a sports car. When you give your body good food every day, you have energy to grow and play. You get sick less often. You grow and become strong. If you give your body poor fuel, it won’t work as well. You might have less energy or get sick more often.

So what kind of fuel does your body need? Your body needs minerals, vitamins, fibre, fats and protein every day. Each of these foods has a different purpose.

Fun Facts about Healthy Food for Kids

1. Minerals make healthy skin and strong bones and teeth.

2.  Fibre helps your body digest food. It is found in vegetables, whole grains and fruit.

3.Vitamins help your body stay healthy and fight disease. Vitamins are found in fruit and vegetables.

4. Fats in milk products, meat and fish help your body build healthy nerves and fight off disease.

5.Protein, which is found in meat, milk products, beans and fish, builds muscles and repairs damage.

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Dietary Fibre Lesson 

Source: Kids Nutrition Facebook Page. Healthy Food for Kids. Posted 30/10/2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lose Weight Now! Get Jogging!

Thirty minutes of jogging can burn 300 calories. Do that five days every week and you could lose almost two extra pounds per month (Source:)

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